The Holy Spirit told me it was a WORM. If you say it's a VIRUS, you must be APOSTATE!
Watchtower laboratories will soon be releasing a version of the JehovahOS that will prove invincible.
hello everyone: i post this upodate from time to time for general awareness.
normally, i have about 20 blocks per day on my firewall, usually unused port access attempts, sub-seven trojans, and one or two hacking attempts.. but, recently, in the last month, my security logs have doubled and tripled on a daily basis.
about two or three weeks ago, i had an all time high of over 170 security alerts.
The Holy Spirit told me it was a WORM. If you say it's a VIRUS, you must be APOSTATE!
Watchtower laboratories will soon be releasing a version of the JehovahOS that will prove invincible.
bicker and complain all day?
why not try to show some love around here?
just wondering.... with love,
...and we'll get YOU, and your little dog too!
q: what takes place in the local congregations when you post hundreds of copies of this (below)in many locations around the city?.
a: see bottom of page for answer.... .
if i had known, before i joined,.
If something like that were to begin happening in cities all over the world, Jehovah woould have to put his angels on overtime!
hello everyone: i post this upodate from time to time for general awareness.
normally, i have about 20 blocks per day on my firewall, usually unused port access attempts, sub-seven trojans, and one or two hacking attempts.. but, recently, in the last month, my security logs have doubled and tripled on a daily basis.
about two or three weeks ago, i had an all time high of over 170 security alerts.
or, FREE for personal use - ZONE ALARM from
I think the increase in port scans is primarily due to the "Code Red" worm causing infected machines to search for additional machines to infect. Code Red infects Windows NT machines only, but those are the ones upon which a great many business run their internet connections.
Of course, I could be wrong. God knows I got this whole "Bible" thing wrong.
- Nathan The Devil
miracle condoms!
(see free sample on back page of awake!
Why are you scratching Dan?
Are you allergic to latex? even ultra microscopically thin latex derived from Miracle Wheat?
..better have one of the sisters here rub some lotion on that for you!
"Look at me: I'm a God-fearing man. But do you think The Lord ever saw fit to send me some strange? Hell, NO. So I'll be God-Damned if anyone else is going to have any fun!!."- Nathan The Devil
my master plan:.
we all get re-instated, then start to preach that the kingdom came in 1975. of course we could back it up with watchtower publications.. what do you think?.
i was too far out... and not waving but drowning - stevie smith
All one need do is examine the evidence: the perilous condition of mankind was reversed in the year 1975 by the unseen hand of jehovah. Just as surely as Christ began his invisible rule in heaven in 1914, he likewise began his invisible rule of the earth in 1975.
We must bear in mind that this rule will last 1,000 years, just as we are told in God's Word, the Watchtower. During this period of time we will witness the gradual increasing of the average prson's lifetime. Soon we may witness the beginning of the earthly resurrection, but we now know that such a resurrection will not take place immediately - for to do so would tax the resources of the world - but gradually; some may sleep in death for only a few hours before the Lord's voice bids them return again. As our lord jesus moves to bring these blessings to man so that eventually men everywhere will ask,
"Jesus Christ, what have you done?"
"Hi everybody. I'm dead now, and I have to let you know I was wrong, terribly, terribly wrong. It's darker here than I ever imagined. Flee while you still have breath in you!.BOO! (I still enjoy frightening little children.)"
- Nathan The Devil
miracle condoms!
(see free sample on back page of awake!
Another triumph of Faith Based Science from Watchtower Laboratories!
...and that's no KIRAP!
"Hi everybody. I'm dead now, and I have to let you know I was wrong, terribly, terribly wrong. It's darker here than I ever imagined. Flee while you still have breath in you!.BOO! (I still get a kick out of scaring the gullible!)"
- Nathan The Devil
well my friend, after a second attempt to reach out to me and give me the decision last night i received an unexpected visit from two of the local elders.
apparently the two wts agents decided to pass the torch to the local elders this time.
this was organized by the co along with wts instructions.
If possible, please post the relevant sections of the Elder's manual and org handbook here for all to see.
"Hi everybody. I'm dead now, and I have to let you know I was wrong, terribly, terribly wrong. Flee while you still have breath in you!."- Nathan The Devil
following on from the anybody else had visions?
thread below (
i have offered a prize of 50 american dollars or the equivalent in your currency of choice for whoever can guess (or envision or whatever) the contents of a picture i have chosen.. i will be emailing the picture, in password zip format to [email protected] along with unambiguous details of what qualifies as a correct guess.
I once worked with a woman who told me she practiced ECKANCAR soul-travel.
I invited her to soul-travel to my house and tell me what was at the bottom of a cylindrical container I would leave on my dresser.
I guess she had "higher planes" to visit, because she declined to take me up on my offer.
Oh me of little "faith."
"And life itself told me this secret:'Behold,' it said, 'I am that which must overcome itself again and again."
well my friend, after a second attempt to reach out to me and give me the decision last night i received an unexpected visit from two of the local elders.
apparently the two wts agents decided to pass the torch to the local elders this time.
this was organized by the co along with wts instructions.
I'd like to add my word of support.
I admire you for the stand you've taken and I feel empathy for you in the difficulties you've endured.
Although you may be feeling quite OK right now, don't be surprised if you find yourself hit by waves of sadness from time to time. You've planned to set new goals for yourself and to move toward accomplishing them, and that will be very helpful. Keep reminding yourself of the progress you've made and the progress you will continue to make.
"And life itself told me this secret:'Behold,' it said, 'I am that which must overcome itself again and again."